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Revision as of 11:49, 28 March 2024 by Ellpeck (talk | contribs) (skills category)
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Certain objects have a "Tinker With" option. Selecting this option allows Tinies to acquire the Tinkering skill.

Leveling up the Tinkering skill allows Tinies to discover and apply upgrades in order to improve objects. The higher their Tinkering skill, the more upgrades are available.

Tinkering with an object with a low Tinkering skill may cause objects to break and become dirty. Tinies can repair objects with the Repair skill, and clean object with the Cleaning skill.

Tinies cannot Tinker With objects if they have an Uncomfortable mood.

In-Game Description
"Sometimes, stuff that you buy just isn't good enough, and you want to improve it manually, or 'hack on it' as the kids say. Tinker with objects to find out about available upgrades, and then apply them to make them better!"

Discoverable Upgrades

Name Description Required Level Valid Objects
Swivel Faucet A swivel faucet will allow using the sink to be much easier and less time-consuming. TODO TODO
Protective Coating A protective coating causes this furniture item to get dirty much more slowly. TODO TODO
Advanced Configurable Shower Head A configurable shower head allows the selection of various modes, showering with which will make Tinies feel special emotions. TODO TODO

A full list of upgrades can be found on the API Documentation.